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Grimm COMPLETE S 1-6 mSD 480p small size

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Grimm COMPLETE S 1-6 mSD 480p small size Empty Grimm COMPLETE S 1-6 mSD 480p small size

Post by Admin Tue 18 Jul - 7:40

Grimm S 1-2-3-4-5-6 480p small size

Grimm COMPLETE S 1-6 mSD 480p small size 2bp3_zps6304e212

Portland detective, Nick Burkhardt, has seen some gruesome crime scenes, but nothing prepares him for the strange visions he begins seeing: seemingly regular people momentarily transforming into hideous monsters. A visit from his only living relative reveals the truth. Nick has inherited the ability to see supernatural creatures, and as a "Grimm," he is tasked with keeping the balance between mankind and the mythological. A reformed "Big Bad Wolf" becomes his greatest (and also reluctant) ally and confidant. It's not long before his work as a policeman leads Nick to the criminals he once thought were only found in fairy tales.


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